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Heal your Mental Health with us

November 30, 2022 @ 8:00 am 5:00 pm

Now use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for ‘lorem ipsum’ will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved overow use Lorem Ipsum as their default model text, and a search for ‘lorem ipsum’ will uncover many web sites still in their infancy. Various versions have evolved over.

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Event Summary

Fascinated by data visualization but don’t have any experience beyond charts in Excel or Powerpoint? Supercharge your data and your career with this action packed workshop on Tableau.

This class aims to take students with no prior experience and make them functional Tableau practitioners by the end of the workshop. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the visual techniques that are employed when describing, analyzing, and communicating data in a business setting. We’ll start by explaining the role of data visualization in a business setting, and then dive into the specifics of how Tableau produces its visuals. We will cover the basic principles of data visualization, look at how data viz can be used to convey a message, and walk through the process of creating complex, dynamic visualizations.

Come and learn the basics, and get the skills you need to own that next staff meeting, marketing presentation, or business pitch!

General Assembly’s classes, workshops and events are recreational and for avocational purposes only. No certificate is awarded.


  • Understand the basics of how Tableau connects to and manages data

  • Dimensions, measures, and major data types

  • Tableau’s primary chart types and how to create them

  • How to build interactive filters to better explore your data


  • Tableau Public (free) pre-installed on your computer

  • This class is taken completely online

  • We will provide a link to the platform on the day of the class

  • This class requires a computer and strong internet connection

Who Should Attend

Mid-level professionals, senior managers, business team leaders, entrepreneurs, SME owners

Instructors / Speakers

Felix Htoo Ant Hlaing
Technical Lead

Felix is a web developer with 4+ years of experience in web development. He is also a designer and UX enthusiast who loves solving problems and making products more effective and aesthetically pleasing.

Peter Chow
Head of Academic Delivery

Peter is an award-winning creative director with over 18 years of experience across UX/UI design, entrepreneurship and leadership.

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